"My grandmother often takes out a small photo album while I am visiting. The pages separated by plastic contain the most beautiful photographs I have ever seen. The black and white photographs depict a Jewish family. A family, that is a stranger to me. My grandmother’s family. The memories I share with my grandparents about our deceased family members consist of photographs, one or two letters and pictures of gravestones that probably no longer exist. This reality affects me, and I have no other choice but to accept it. I will never know who these people were. I will never know how they died."
In the installative performance "THE GREAT GRAND OTHER", artists Dina Zaitev, Matthias Schönijahn, Melanka Piroschik and Michael McCrae ask themselves what our parents and (great) grandparents did not tell us about the war and how their experiences and their silence continue to have an effect on us. They embark on a search for the immaterial legacy of the war, continue to unravel their own family stories and search for words for the unspeakable.
"THE GREAT GRAND OTHER" will be shown on 29.02. & 01.03. in HELLERAU.

Foto: Klaus Gigga