»Morgana«, 2021.

copyright Clemens Tremmel
An (oriental) carpet, as a cultural asset that is thousands of years old with its cracks and revisions, is a reminder of a living space that we today mostly associate with conflict. In its day, the woven and knotted carpet from Persia, which later came to Europe via Spain, stood for the highest level of craftsmanship and exquisite raw materials, but also for sophistication and values such as hospitality and tolerance. It will be difficult to imagine tomorrow and the day after tomorrow without the memory of this.
The mixed-media work titled »Morgana« was created after Clemens Tremmel's trip to the Bedouins in Jordan's Wadi Rum. Originally influenced by the ideas of German Romanticism, the work's themes including contemplation, solidarity and compassion form the basis of his artistic exploration.
Clemens Tremmel studied at the Dresden University of Fine Arts. This was followed by a masterclass with Prof Ralf Kerbach.